Term 2 Week 5

Yesterday was the first Sunday in Advent and Tuesday will be the first day of December. The countdown to Christmas will have truly begun! We have all contributed to our advent wreaths in our classrooms, writing our Christmas wishes on the leaves. This week we will be going on a virtual tour of Henleaze, following a trail that Beegu went on! We are going to replicate this as much as we can through constructing a model of Henleaze as a year group over the last few weeks. 



As a school we have been invited to join in with a Christmas Art Installation for the Henleaze Christmas Windows. As a year group we will be contributing to this in school but also offer a home challenge to produce an angel to go in our trees. This has been opened up to the whole school. Please click on the link below to get some ideas. We would need the angels bringing in by Friday 11th December.

Click here for more info and Angel Ideas

  • Remember to click the link to plans below if your child is needing to self-isolate but is well. Please email the class email address if you find yourself in this position and are unsure.
  • We will continue to aim to get outside as much as possible so they really need a warm, waterproof coat each day.
  • Christmas Jumper Day, Friday 11th December – Donations for FHIS

Year 1 Learning Week 5, Term 2 – Link to plans and resources if you are needing to isolate or quarantine.

*Don’t forget to write your keywords into your Sound and Keyword book.

Phonics /Spelling/ Daily Introduction of Phase 5 Phonics:

Alternatives to long o vowel- oa : oe (toe ) o _e (bone ) ow (blow ) o (go )

Keywords: Read by sight: don’t, old, home, most, snow, grow, only

Spellings: could, would, should, put and use in dictated sentences.

Vocabulary: phoneme, sounds, blend, consonant, vowel, letter, word, sentence

  Writing: Composition: Write about a walk around Henleaze

  • Use the language of First, Then, Next and Finally to write about a walk around Henleaze.
  • Include adjectives and say whether things are natural or manmade.
  • Begin to extend sentences to include extra information with some encouragement. 
  • Using correct formation for most letters and spelling some simple CEW correctly. 
  • Use full stops correctly at the end of each sentence.

Reading: Comprehension Focus – Change home books on the designated day of the week.

  • Read as part of a group and/or individually, recognising and joining in with predictable phrases.
  • Whole class reading – continue to explore prediction and inference.
  • I can look for patterns in words.
  • Look at fluency and comprehension at differentiated levels.
  • Read accurately by blending sounds in unfamiliar words. 

Maths and Computing – Shape

Learning Objectives:

  • To recognise and name 2D shapes.
  • To describe 2D shapes using mathematical vocabulary.
  • To recognise and name 3D shapes.
  • To describe 3D shapes using mathematical vocabulary, such as edges, corners,
    faces, flat, curved.
  • To sort 2D and 3D shapes in different ways using 1 criterion.
  • To reason about and solve problems relating to shape., including rolling.

Key difficulty points:

  • Understanding that there is 1 curved face on a sphere, cylinder and cone.
  • Understanding that there is an edge on a cone.

Wider Curriculum

PE- Balance
LO: To master fundamental movement skills.
        Static balance – seated.
        I can help, praise and encourage others in their learning.
        I can work sensibly with others, taking turns and sharing.
New theme and warm up Fun in the Jungle introducing moving like different animals from the jungle. Incorporate turns and direction as described above during the warm up section of the lesson.

Art – Superhero Art and the Cartoon
LO: I can use drawing and painting to develop and share my ideas and imagination
Discover the cartoon as art and look at the work of Walt Disney and Matt Groening. Create Superhero cartoons.

Geography – Our Local Area
LO: To use a variety of basic geographical vocabulary to refer to key physical features and human features. 
Discuss key features and landmarks on Henleaze High Street using photos with Beegu as our tour guide. Focus – shapes that can be seen within buildings in preparation for c/c Maths Shape next week and c/c D&T – create a model of the High Street.

PSHE – Celebrating Difference. Making New Friends
LO: I know how to make new friends. 
I know how it feels to make a new friend. 
Discuss the qualities and behaviours that make a good friend as well as strategies to make new friends and a challenge to make a new friend this week.

Sequencing the events of Muhammad’s birth and a Christmas Around the World fact sheet.

Stars of the Week

Class 4 Noah T

Class 5 Blossom 

Class 6 Ariana

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