Year 2 – Term 5, Week 1

Welcome back Year 2!


  • Thank you for your kind donations for FHIS on the last day of Term 4.
  • We are looking forward to seeing the children returning to school for Term 5 on 19th April 2021.
  • Our topic for Term 5 is ‘Into the Wild’. 
  • Our WOW day will be on Tuesday 4th May 2021. We are inviting children to dress up as an animal or an explorer. 
  • Click here to watch our Easter celebrations video. (Previously posted on the blog)
  • We will continue to aim to get outside as much as possible so they really need a waterproof coat each day.
Celebrate Spring with Style: A Hotelier's Guide to Easter • WebRezPro Cloud  PMS

Week 1

This week, we will be launching our topic ‘Into the Wild’. Each class has a new role play area for the children to play in during ELLI time. We are really looking forward to doing lots of learning outdoors this term and are hoping for some nice weather!



For the next two weeks, we are going to be using the story ‘Owl Babies’ as a learning stimulus. Most of the children already know this book very well, therefore this will allow the children to rewrite the story (next week) focusing on the vocabulary and punctuation they are using. We are going to be starting by acting out the story in small groups. The children will then write a setting description using expanded noun phrases, capital letters and full stops. In preparation for the story rewrite next week, we will be sequencing the story and picking out some key vocabulary, allowing the children to echo the text in their own writing. 

Owl Babies - Big Book


We really enjoyed listening to the children reading individually to us last term. We are going to be doing more class reading this term to support the children’s comprehension and prosody.

Focus spellings: door, floor, poor, great, break, steak, most, only, clothes, Christmas 


This week we are going to be recapping the previous learning about how to use suffixes (-ful -less -ness -ment) and what nouns are. 


This week in maths we will be focusing on consolidating our previous learning of number and place value. The children have already been taught the Year 2 skills and knowledge they require for this block of learning so these lessons will focus on revisiting and developing their fluency and quick recall of number facts. We will be practising find ten more and ten less than any given two-digit number, partitioning two-digit numbers in different ways and identifying the location of missing numbers on a number line (0 – 100). 

Missing Numbers to 20 | Teaching Resources


During PSHE this term, we are going to be continuing the topic ‘Healthy Me’ as well as continuing to focus on rebuilding and supporting relationships and friendships. This week, the children will be sorting foods into groups and talking about the foods our bodies need to keep us healthy. 

Primary and Secondary PSHE fulfilling RSE | Jigsaw PSHE Ltd


This term in RE, we are going to be learning about special places. We will start by talking about special places in school and our classroom. The children will be finding comfortable places within the classroom to relax and listen to music. We will invite children to notice detail within the room, as well as talking about and identifying personal special places (e.g. home, the park, places of worship).


Over the next two weeks, we are going to be learning about pitch. This week, the children will learn to recognise high and low sounds and to discriminate between changes in pitch. They will use their voices to reflect the changes in pitch and be introduced to the idea of making small changes by moving in steps up and down a scale.

Perfect (Or Absolute) Pitch Definition

Please click here to access the planning if you are self isolating.

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