Year 2 Term 1 Week 4



What an amazing day we had on Monday. The children absolutely LOVED our WOW day and my didn’t they look spectacular! Thank you for your support with their lovely costumes.


Advance warning:
Monday 26th September is an INSET DAY. There will be no children in school.

Subject specific information:



This week the children are exploring a new, exciting text about our topic ‘Knights & Castles’. Each class will receive a mystery book that is wrapped up. They will guess what is inside and slowly peel back the wrapping paper to reveal their new class text. We look forward to sharing it with you! 

The children will use this story to write engaging descriptive sentences. They will recap what verbs and adverbs are. If you would like to support this at home you can go to these web links with your child:


All children will have been given 2 carefully matched reading level books and a reading for pleasure book. This week we will focus more on individual phonics assessments and the children will begin to complete comprehension and skills based reading activities during our guided reading sessions.


This week we are continuing to recap different spelling learnt in Year 1. 

Monday: ea, ee, e-e, ey

Tuesday: igh, i-e, ie

Wednesday: oa, o-e, oe

Thursday: oo, ew, ue, u-e (/oo/ sound)

Friday: ew, ue, u-e (/yoo/ sound)


In maths this week we will be continuing to build on our knowledge of place value within 100. We will compare and order objects and numbers. We will then recap counting in 2s, 5s and 10s that the children are familiar with from Year 1. We will then challenge ourselves to count in 3s and demonstrate our understanding by creating our own number lines. 

Knowledge and Understanding of the World (Topic)


In preparation for next week’s DT sessions of designing and making a clay castle, the children will experiment with clay and learn some clay sculpting techniques. The children will learn what the technical terms ‘slip, score and blend’ mean when using clay and will practise these techniques. Using clay tools, the children will then make a range of marks on their pieces of clay.  

Religion and World Views

In R + WV the children will be continuing their learning about celebrations. They will design and create a celebration card, using their knowledge of existing celebration cards to inform their designs. 

If you would like more information about what we will be studying in Religion and World Views this term you can access this here:


In PSHE the children will work to understand the rights and responsibilities of being a member of our class and school. We will discuss how they can help themselves and others to feel like they belong. 

Stars of the Week

Sycamore – Ola

Maple – Maiia

Magnolia – Evelyn

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