Year 2 Learning. Term5, Week 1

Welcome to Term 5 – First Day Back – Monday, 17th April

Our Theme for Learning this term: Into the Wild

Maple Class: Maple’s class dance has been moved to Tuesday 25th April at 2.40pm

Thank you to all Sycamore and Magnolia parents for attending our space dance performances! We loved having you all in and the children had a ball.

Week 1

This week, we will be launching our topic ‘Into the Wild’. Each class has a new role play area for the children to play in during ELLI time. We are really looking forward to doing lots of learning outdoors this term and are hoping for some nice weather!



Over the next two weeks we will be looking at The Tin Forest by Helen Ward. We will be going on a nature walk around the school and writing a list of exciting adjectives and applying this to a recount. We will be focusing on using the correct tense and using expanded noun phrases. We will be focusing a lot this term on using our purple pens to be able to uplevel and improve our writing. We will also have a big focus on our handwriting by joining our letters.


We will continue to practise our reading skills using the Totally Pawsome Gang. We will also read with the children 1:1 to make sure they are reading books at the correct banded level. 



This week we will be revising



-Multiplication and division


-Tricky additions

Here are some helpful online links to help support at home: (multiplication and division) (fractions)

Knowledge and Understanding the World (topic)

This term in Science we will be looking at and studying plants. This week we will be planting seeds and observing what happens over the coming weeks. In Art we will be looking at the pictures in our text ‘The Tin Forest’ by Helen Ward. We will be practicing our shading and sketching skills.

Religion and World Views (R+WV)

In R+WV we will be thinking about things that happen to me including things I notice in the classroom.

We will be thinking about:

What makes our classroom special for all of us?

How does it feel to have a familiar classroom ?


We will be identifying the different members of my family, understand my relationship with each of
them and know why it is important to share and cooperate. We will accept that everyone’s family is different and understand that most people value their family.

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