Year 1 Learning Week 3, Term 2

We will be celebrating ‘Friendship Week’ all this week! We have lots of activities planned for this and will be spotting children throughout the week that are being kind to others and are being good friends.


  • Friday 17th November of this week it is Children in Need Day. You can wear something spotty. We ask that you bring in at least £1 as a donation for this very important cause.
  • Monday 13th November – All classes will be going for a local walk around Henleaze. Please wear a coat to school.
  • Tuesday 21st November- 6pm – Online Safety Evening in the Junior School hall. Although this event will take place at the Juniors it has been organised by both schools and so is aimed at both age groups.
    Henleaze Christmas Fayre – Wednesday 6th December – This will be after school where members of the school Choir will perform to open the event. More details to follow to the choir members.
    Henleaze Infants Christmas Carol Service – Thursday 7th December – St Peter’s Church – 2pm – All Welcome


Focus GPCs
aw  (paw)
wh (which)    
ph (phonics)
ew (blew)

Common Exception Words: (read and spell) said have like so do some

Sounds and Keyword books- children will write in these sounds and keywords to bring home – Differentiated where necessary. Please use the books for the children to practice in. Guidance is in the front of your child’s book.


This week we will continue our writing work based around our class text ‘Send for a Superhero’. Through this work we will:
-Explore how verbs change when we add the suffixes ‘ed’ and ‘ing’ 
-Discuss the rules for adding -s and -es to make a word plural.

As the superheroes that we wrote to last week were too busy to help we need to write the email from Brad 40 to the Mayor to ask for his help to stop the baddies. Unfortunately our Mayor also cannot provide the help we need so we will need to invent our own superheroes to stop Filth and Vacuum. We will label our characters and write a character description to describe our superheroes qualities e.g ‘I have a special cape that helps me to fly’.

Handwriting: Correct formation of the graphemes and CEW for spelling listed above through the use of our 4 formation families.


Mental maths/recall skills:

  • Recall of addition facts within 10 (every day)
  • Recognise numbers to 20
  • Number Bonds to 10 – big focus

This week our main focus will be moving on to place value of the numbers 11 to 20. We will be looking at how these numbers are made of ‘ten and a bit’ and partitioning them into tens and ones.

We will be using the ‘base 10’ resources to make the numbers with physical resources.

Then we will move on to the abstract ‘line and dot’ method to partition the number into tens and ones.

Wider Curriculum

SHINE Outside Session – Team Games

Real Dance- Develop standing and floor shapes with a partner and find ways to move between them to create a repeatable sequence.

Science- Continuing our daily weather watch study.

R+WV- Advent – ways in which Christians look forward to Christmas.

Geography– Recognising and identifying human and physical features as follow up of our walk around Henleaze.

Music- To understand rondo form and create a class composition based on this structure.

PSHE -As part of Friendship week, we will be thinking about what makes a special friend and what we value in a friend. We will be thinking about what makes us a good friend to others and what we can do to be an even better friend! 

Art/DT- 3D Sculptures/models- To observe shape, form and space in natural and man-made objects. To plan, make and evaluate a sculpture

Bluebell- Harrison

Daffodil- Sylvie

Cherry- Charlotte

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