Year 1 Home Learning Week 4 Term 5 (commencing 11.5.20)

Your work last week was amazing once again! Thanks to all of you who managed to send some of your wonderful learning to your profile once again.

This week we are going to concentrate on The SS Great Britain as our theme. In your work over the last 3 weeks you would have seen lots of things that were designed around Bristol by Brunel and this is one of them!  We were also due to go on our trip this week too so we are going to ask you to take a photo of your packed lunch for that day and maybe a photo of you dressed, ready for a trip if you want! Look at the optional challenges at the bottom for more information. Please let us know via our class emails if you are still having any problems submitting work to our 2 Build a profile.  Below again is a summary of this week’s learning to act as guidance only and not a strict timetable to follow (click on the timetable to get a pdf version that has links to resources). Please work with the routines that suit your family best.  We hope it is bringing some clarity to the expectations for each week and to see clearly the work that we are encouraging you to photo (3 pieces) to submit  into your 2 Build a Profile platform so that we can celebrate your work and give some more feedback. Remember that other pieces are welcome to, especially things that you are really proud of.

Copy of the blog as a pdf here.

SubjectSuggested work to be submitted
English Session 3 – Writing. Labelled design of Rat Trap (2BAP and class email)
Maths Session 4 – Recording arrays as repeated addition number sentences. (2BAP and class email)
Topic Session 4 – Science/ Design and technology. Testing and evaluating boat materials. (just 2BAP)

English – Reading and Phonics

Daily Reading
You should have or shortly will be receiving information about our exciting new subscription to Pearson Publishers. Here you will be able to choose books for reading and games and other activities aimed at the level of your child. As we have said all along, books you have at home or other sites you may also have been using are still fine too. We are just trying to fill the gap of our book boxes whilst you are at home. Please refer to the information you were sent about logging in.

Daily Phonics
There are just three to concentrate on this week. Choose whether you want to watch a video in its entirety  or break it into parts over the week. You may choose to do a whole session instead of session 5 comprehension this week. The videos are so good to help maintain our core English skills.


English – Writing

Session 1 : Writing a List
Learning Objectives:
-To make a list of words relevant to a given topic.
-To use phonics taught to make plausible attempts at spelling tricky words.
Watch the video giving us a look inside the SS Great Britain. Write down words during the film or after it has finished, about what you could see and how it made you feel. Imagine you were a passenger on board. Do you think it would have been fun? If you want to you could see whether you can find any more words or information for your list from the fact sheet below. You could also take a virtual tour yourself now, where you can choose to walk and look around the ship with the virtual tour tool. Topic session 1 will allow you to explore the ship even more!
SSGB Fact sheet
SS Great Britain video
Virtual tour

Session 2 : Write about life on board the SS Great Britain
Learning Objectives:
-To say out loud a sentence before writing it down.
-To use a capital letter and punctuation correctly.
Challenge – To use a conjunction e.g. ‘and’ or ‘because’.
Using the information gathered, list you made and tours from yesterday, choose between 3 and 5 parts of the ship to write about. You can do just a sentence for each part or write a longer piece. Whichever you choose, think carefully about each sentence before you write it. Say it out loud first if that helps. You can write facts or make it about how you would have felt on the ship. You could use the conjunction ‘because’ again, ‘I would not have liked sleeping on the ship because the beds were tiny!’

Session 3 : Design and label a Rat Trap!
Learning Objectives:
-To add clear labels or captions to a diagram.
You can use the sheet in the link below if you want to work like an engineer and use squared paper for your design or just draw it and label on plain paper. They had a huge problem with rats on board the ship. Did you spot one on the videos? Will you trap and  keep the rat trapped until it can be released when you get back to shore? How will you get the rat to come to your trap? What would it be made from? Where would you put it on the ship? Why? Some of the research you did about bridges might come in handy and the mechanisms. Take a photo of your finished trap design and post it on your profile so I can take a look!
Trap a Rat design sheet

Session 4 :  Spelling and Handwriting
Choose between focusing on ‘aw’ or ‘ow’ sounds  and choose the appropriate sheet. There are also some pencil control sheets if you want more fine motor control practice. Also, please find below a reference sheet for formation to refer to if needed. There is also a sheet with handwriting lines to aid ascenders and descenders that some parents have requested.
‘aw’ Look Cover Write Check Sheet or ‘ow’ Activity Sheet
Pencil Control Sheets
Handwriting Lines
Letter Formation Sheet

Session 5 : Reading Comprehension – Just choose 1 activity
If you want to use this session for extra phonics time, to complete or watch a video then please do. Please click below if you would like to complete a comprehension. Remember that there are 3 levels, choose 1 to answer. You do not need to do all 3. 
Challenge: There is also a further choice for more able readers of working through some question cards that refer to thinking about inference when looking at pictures. You don’t need to write your answers down. Use them for discussion.
Formidable Sid Comprehension task
Inference Challenge cards


Session 1
Learning Objectives:
-To count efficiently by arranging objects into 2’s, 5’s and 10’s.
Daily Fluency powerpoint
Practise counting in 2’s, 5’s and 10’s. Then challenge yourself… can you count in 2’s,5’s and 10’s from any number (you can vary the difficulty of this, for example you can do count in 2’s from 4 or could do count in 2’s from 11)
Practically play with counting objects in the most efficient way, focusing on multiples of 2 and 10 (and 5 if appropriate). Ideas given in the document below, but please make up your own scenarios as well if you are able to, as physically manipulating and grouping the objects themselves is a beneficial part of the process.
Ideas for counting in 2’s, 5’s and 10’s
Optional: On your daily walk can you use the house numbers to help you count in 2’s

Session 2
Learning Objectives:
-To record equal groups as repeated addition (introducing early concepts of multiplication e.g. if I have 3 groups of 4 that is 4+4+4=12)
Daily fluency at the beginning of the first video
Watch the White Rose videos below. 
Video 1 (Select ‘Week 2’>’Lesson 3’)
Video 2 (Select ‘Week 2’>’Lesson 4’) – skip through the ‘Flashback 4’ as they have already done one today and we will use this one later in the week.
Add equal groups sheet to complete
Extra challenge: What equal groups can you spot? – discussion point and opportunity to record them as repeated addition number sentences. 

Session 3
Learning Objectives:
-To make arrays and understand the difference between rows and columns.
Daily Fluency – at the beginning of the video below
White rose video (Select ‘Week 2’>’Lesson 5’)
Make Arrays Sheet to complete
Optional: Numberblocks video arrays for the number 12 (about 2 mins)

Session 4
Learning Objectives:
-To record arrays as repeated addition.
Daily Fluency powerpoint
Use arrays from the array picture cards below and either cut and stick them into your books/paper or draw them out using dots to represent the objects. Then record the repeated addition number sentences to go with it. See if you can find both (e.g. for a 4×3 array you can do 3+3+3+3=12 or 4+4+4=12). This piece is to be submitted. 
Tips and an example of how to layout in your books found here.
Arrays picture cards 1
Arrays picture cards 2

Session 5
The focus for today is playing with maths, as it was National Numeracy Day on Wednesday!
Bond builder on number gym
National Numeracy Day Ideas – this booklet has a range of different activities aimed at children up to age 11 so good for the whole family to get involved. Feel free to choose anything that you like the look of. If you want it narrowing down you could look at linking the picnic activity on page 1 and link with sharing from last week. Alternatively the zoo activity on page 10 could be adapted and add in repeated addition to link with this weeks learning (for example if you have 3 lions each with 4 legs that is 3 equal groups of 4, which is 4+4+4=12)

Topic – SS Great Britain

Session 1: History. Focus: SS Great Britain/ Brunel/ Bristol. 
Learning Objective:
 -I can talk about significant historical events, people and places.
On our pretend school trip we are going to discover what it was like for children and families on board the SS Great Britain. Watch this short clip from children at Wansdyke Primary school, below. Talk about three things that interested you in the video. This will also help you for your writing tomorrow.
When you embark on any adventure or journey you need to think about staying safe and healthy. In this short video children explore how people kept well on board the SS Great Britain. Talk about three things that interested you in the video. How different was it on the SS Great Britain to the way we live now?
Second video

Session 2: PSHE
Learning objectives
-I can tell you who helps me I can say Thank you to someone who helps me
Try out one of the following ideas:
People who help us powerpoint

  • What do each of these people do? Which of these people help me at school and which people help me in other places?
  • At the moment, we are in a strange situation, but there are some people who are working extra hard to help us – can you make a list of them and what they do?
  • One very important group of people who are working super hard to help you at the moment are your mums, dads and grown-ups at home. Make a card or picture and write a sentence to say a huge Thank you! to someone in your home who helps you.

Optional extra R.E. Activity for Year 1 Term 5 week 4 (w/b 11th May) 
It is a special time for Muslims at the moment. During the month of Ramadan, Muslims  fast (do not eat) between sunrise and sunset. This is one of the Five Pillars of Islam – Sawm) Have a look at this fact page. When it is Ramadan, Muslims spend time praying and reflecting on how they live. They will often give to charity. (Do you remember that this is also one of the Five Pillars of Islam – Zakat?) At the end of Ramadan is a big celebration called Eid-ul-fitr.
Can you find a way to help people who are in need? Maybe you could tidy out your toys and books and see if there are any you could give to charity.
Craft ideas here.
Ramadan story book read here.

Session 3: Science. Focus: Floating and sinking
 Learning Objectives:
-I can explore different materials to make a boat with.
– I can ask questions.
-I can perform simple tests to find the best material. 
-I can distinguish between an object and what it is made of.
Can you explore boat making just like Brunel? Can you predict which will be the best material? Can you find the best materials to make a boat with? Children do not need to ‘build a boat’, unless they want to. This challenge encourages children to try to float different materials in water but they don’t have to be made into boats e.g. cloth, tin foil, plastic containers, wooden spoon, paper, card, bubble wrap. Choose three materials and float them in some water. What happens if you change the shape? Have an experiment and a play and see what you can find out!

Session 4: Science Focus; Floating and sinking (L/O as above). 

Design and Technology:
Learning Objectives:
-I can design functional products based on design criteria.
-I can select from a wide range of materials according to their characteristics.
-I can evaluate my ideas against my criteria.
Now we will try and record some of the things we spotted last session and experiment deeper with just 3 of the materials. How can you test your materials to see which is best for making a boat? First decide which materials to use from last session.  Next decide on your test. For example, can you balance a lego brick or small toy on top? Try not to let it get wet! Can your chosen material hold something up for more than 5 seconds? Would it be good to alter the shape of your material (make a boat)? Overall which material was the best and why? You could write and draw this in your books. Please take a photo to upload. Please can grown ups add the design criteria that the child chooses to test by on the 2BuildaProfile.

Session 5: Music Focus: Pitch
Learning Objectives:
I can listen with concentration to recorded music.
– I can experiment with and select sounds using the inter-related dimensions of music.
Watch people performing The Red Balloon using household objects. Focus on pitch – whether notes are higher or lower. Play pitch games such as, person 1 makes a sound and person 2 has to make a higher sound, repeat with making lower sounds. You could use your voices, instruments or house hold items.
Zic Zazou make music from everyday objects

Optional Challenges
Drama. Pretend to go on a trip at home. Pack everything you need, don’t forget your coat in case it rains! You’ll need to go on and off the coach. Perhaps you decide to climb the rigging to the crows nest! Have fun. We usually eat lunch outside. You could think about the flags that are flown on ships. Continue our school trip theme by exploring SS Great Britain website together.  
– Role play going on a sea adventure! Pack everything you need. You could make a telescope with a loo roll. Can you make a map. 
Cooking.  Make a biscuit following the original ship biscuit recipe! 
SS Great Britain Ship Biscuit recipe
– Other bits:
Flags for ships
SS Great Britain Wordsearch
Colouring sheet of SS GB


Learning Objectives: 
-I can build on my skills of balance, agility and coordination.
Keep enjoying daily exercise with your family to stay healthy. Joe Wicks is keeping us all on our toes but you may be doing something different.
Joe Wicks video link
Cosmic kids disco “Hot Air Balloonin dance

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