Year 1 Learning Week 6 Term 6


Whole School Final Topic/Transition: Journeys

  • A huge thank you to all of you who were able to join in our Learning Share last week. The children were so very proud to share their hard work with you. It was great to finally welcome you into our classrooms too. Thank you. Please speak to your child’s teacher if you were unable to come, to see the best way of sharing your child’s books. There is also a part of our child and parent voice which accompanies the reports, for you to complete that your teacher can also share with you.
  • All classes need to wear their PE kits on Monday for our Sport’s Day.
  • We will start to collect all home reading books in from the children this week with the aim of having all books returned by Friday. Provision of Pearson books online will continue over the summer holidays. We will check the provision of books for each child before the start of the holidays.
  • Your child’s report will be sent home on Wednesday of this week so please look out for it. Again a real chance for us all to celebrate the immense efforts your children have put into their learning and friendships this year.
  • On Tuesday, members of our Governing Body will be visiting our classes and school to look at the learning and joining us with our celebrations of such a fantastic year, despite all the challenges it has brought.
  • Remember to click the link to plans and resources below if your child is needing to self-isolate but is well. Please email the class email address if you find yourself in this position and are unsure.
  • We will continue to aim to get outside as much as possible so they really need a waterproof coat and sun hat each day. Please remember to name all clothing as the changes in the temperature during the day means that the children are sometimes leaving jumpers and hats around the school grounds and they can sometimes take a while to find they way back to class.

Year 1 Learning Week 6, Term 6– Link to plans and resources if you are needing to isolate or quarantine.

Daily Well Being Activities

Monday – Connect – Make a friendship pair for someone you pick out of the lolly stick pot in your class.
Tuesday – Take notice –
Squish squash relax
Wednesday – Be active – Follow the leader Dance moves
Thursday – Try something new – Up and away – hot air balloon hopes and dreams How to make a hopes and dreams hot air balloon
Friday – Give – Make a Thank you bookmark for an adult at school


Phonics /Spelling/ Daily Mastery of Phase 5c Phonics
(See daily phonics powerpoints).
Teach Phase 5c – alternative spellings for phonemes 

er     ure    o     zh    u

Look at skills of Blending and Segmenting
Additional Phonics:
Phase 3 and  5a/b revision Flash cards, BLENDING and SEGMENTING every day. Precision teaching where required for individuals.
something , children, everyone, thought, because, when, about, friends, window, little
Session ‘How to be a dog’ – week 3 – and link to handwriting.
Vocabulary:  word, finger space, sentence, punctuation, lower case, capital, full stop, adjective, noun

Writing – Composition – Text ‘Journey’
Session 1: Retell the whole or part of the story.
Learning Objectives:
-Use adjectives to help describe the feelings of a character.
-Put yourself in the place of a character for a part in a story.
-Use correct punctuation for creating a narrative.
You could just concentrate on one part of the story and describe what is happening and how the girl feels. Say your thoughts and sentences out loud first before writing.
Session 2: We will be writing in the first page of our new writing books for Year 2. It will be an opportunity for showing our new teachers our brilliant writing and for us to look back at the end of Year 2, just how even more progress we have made.
Session 3:
Questions for Year 2 children and teachers
Learning Objective:
-To think of and write a question using a question mark at the end.
As a class,
write  questions down after talking them through with a partner. Don’t forget to use a ‘?’ at the end of each question. We will send the questions as an email to your new teachers and the children in Year 2 to answer for us. We will also have some questions to answer from the Reception children who will be Year1 next year!
Include  commonly mis-spelt words in writing books and  from completed spelling test.  Link  phonics by using other words using the alternative spellings.  

Individual Reading – Fully decodable books at the level of the children so that they are able to develop fluency. 
Guided Reading Groups – Focus on Fiction.
Group activities – Spelling –
-Use sight and phonic knowledge to correct spellings
Use the sheets to look carefully at the pictures and then at the written words. Are they spelt correctly? Do they look right? Is the mistake at the beginning, middle or end of the word? Make your corrections for each spelling.

Please also continue to use Pearson books online for additional material. Books will be changed weekly  on specific days for your child.


Learning objectives:
To describe the volume in a container by using the vocabulary full, nearly full, empty or nearly empty. 
To use non-standard measurements to measure the capacity of a container
To use ‘more’, ‘less’ and ‘equal to’ to compare capacity and/or volume as well as the symbols <, > and =.

Key difficulty points:
Children don’t need to be able to explain this difference but for adults to ensure they are using correct terminology:
Capacity is the amount of space inside a container (the amount it can hold)
Volume is the amount of space that is being taken up within the container (e.g. it could be half full)

Wider Curriculum

PE- SHINE Session
Sport’s Day Session – As a Year Group

PSHE: Coping with Changes
LO: I can tell you about changes that have happened in my life
I know some ways to cope with changes
Follow the ppt Coping with change and use the story All change for Jigsaw Jack to discuss ways to cope with change. This is an assessment lesson so while children are engaged in their task of drawing a change they have already experienced and adding their speech bubble with how it made them feel. Use this as an opportunity to ask the questions 

LO: I can discuss changes within living memory which reveal aspects of change in national life
Follow Mrs Grant’s pre-recorded ppt about the Windrush.  Emphasise that the people who made this journey from the Caribbean were invited because they were very skilled and we needed those skills to rebuild our country. Complete the planning a journey activity.

ART- To produce a piece of artwork for new classroom
LO: I can use drawing, painting and sculpture to develop and share my ideas,  experiences and imagination
Using our theme of journeys and transitions children to create a piece of Hot Air balloon Art to take with them to Year 2 for a display.

MUSIC – Going on a Journey
LO: I can use my voice expressively and creatively by speaking chants and I can  play untuned instruments musically
Follow the ppt Rhythm and Pulse and complete the call / response activity.

Class 4 Ruby
Class 5
Class 6 Ziggy

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