Reception Remote Learning – Tuesday 14th

Year 6 Home Learning WC-13.7.20 | Carr Hill Primary School

Please follow the learning below if you are self isolating on Tuesday 14th December. If you have any questions or queries, please contact

Please submit an observation of your child doing their learning at home on Evidence Me. It is your choice which area of learning you would like to send to your child’s teacher.

Phonics and Reading

  • Please watch the video lesson below. It teaches the digraph ai. The children learned this last week but this lesson allows them to apply their knowledge. Your child will need a pencil and some paper.
  • Ask your child to complete the worksheet (click here). Encourage your child to cut out the letters using scissors, this will support their fine motor skills.
  • Every child should also have a new reading book in their book bag. Please read this with your child and record it in their reading record. Please remember you can also use the Bug Club books to read.


  • Watch the subitising video below. Encourage your child to say the amount of dots they see before the numeral pops up on the screen.
  • Show your child 3 fingers. Ask them how many fingers you are holding up. Can they hold up 3? Can they hold up more than 3? Ask them if there is more than one way to do this? Explore the different ways to show more than 3 fingers (e.g. more than 3 could be 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 or 10). Can they hold up fewer than 3? Is there more than one way to do this? Repeat this with different numbers up to 9.
  • Log into NumberGym. Click here to find out how to login and click here to go to the NumberGym login page. Once you have logged in, click on ‘Bond Builder’. Start on level 1 and see how far your child can get!


  • Set up some teddies to look like they are playing together. Pretend one of the teddies is saying unkind things to the other, e.g. I don’t like your jumper, it’s horrible; you’re not doing it right; it’s not yours, it’s mine. Ask your child if what is happening is kind and how it makes them feel seeing unkind behaviour. Ask your child how they think the teddies are feeling.
  • Talk to your child about what we can do when we don’t like what someone does or says to us. Teach your child to say, ‘Please don’t do that, I don’t like it’ when someone does or says something to them that they don’t like. Explain to the children if they hear those words they have to stop. Talk to your child about things they could say to their friends that are nice/kind.

Daily Wellbeing

Watch and join in with the Christmas workout video below.

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